Production Team:
Director- Robert L..Ghormley
Assistant Director- Camille Smith
Musical Director- Paul Cota
Art Director- Joni Peterson
Costume Designer- Tina Martin
Make Up Designer- Pat Gilbert
Hair Designer- Deanna McDaniel
Director- Robert L..Ghormley
Assistant Director- Camille Smith
Musical Director- Paul Cota
Art Director- Joni Peterson
Costume Designer- Tina Martin
Make Up Designer- Pat Gilbert
Hair Designer- Deanna McDaniel
Cast and Crew:
The Pirate Merchant of VENICE
An Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Play by Robert L. Ghormley and Jared spiller, 2013
Tech Crew: Kourtney McDaniel, stage Manager
Kraig Gander, student tech director
Ethan Dull, sound operator
Bruna Rodriguez, student director
Construction: Corey Spencer
Cast of characters
Lovely Ladies
1. Portia (Zoe Peters)- beautiful heiress - loves BASSANIO
2. Nerissa (Willa Dvorshak)– Portia’s waiting gentlewoman - loves CALICO JACK
3. JESSICA (Jeannie Wollschlager) loves LORENZO
4. Balthazar (Morgan Eitsert) - Portia’s servant.
5. Madeleine (Anna Villarreal) servant
Nasty Suitors to Portia
6. Arragon- (Kai Varnes-Epstein)Prince, suitor to Portia
7. Arragon’s step mother- (Eloise Williamson)
8. Arragon’s step sister- (Taylor Furo)
9. Cap’n Monoco-(Casey Spencer)Prince, suitor to Portia
10. Cap’n Monoco’s servant, Sea Dog- (Braydon Friar)
11. Cap’n Monoco’s Crewman One-(Cameron Steyer)
12. Cap’n Monoco’s Crewman Two-(Whitney Brown)
13. Skeleton 1- Gold Chest (Jordan Finnell)
14. Skeleton 2- Silver Chest (Cassidy Roberts)
15. Angel- Lead Chest (Liv Svalland)
Good Guys
16. ANTONIO – (Jared S piller) age 65, generous and beloved old merchant
17. Antonio’s Servant (Michaela Perry)
18. BASSANIO - (Jared Smith) Antonio’s clerk - loves Portia
19. CALICO JACK – (Ludwig Eckholm) friend of BASSANIO –
20. LORENZO - (Nick Gillespie) friend of ANTONIO & BASSANIO - loves JESSICA
Pirate Friends
21. SOLANIA - (Lysianne Peacock) friend of ANTONIO and BASSANIO
22. Leonarda – (Alana Day) servant to BASSANIO
Extra Friends –m/f
23. La Bous- (Christine Wallin-Sobek)
24. Davey Gam-(Jordan Mercer)
25. Black Beard-(Corbin Bailey)
26. Clueless Jen –(Katja Stokholm)
27. Eina Kleina (Aina Rambjeorg)
28. Helga Halter (Anna Madsen)
29. Milly Brazilly (Ahmae Varnes-Epstein)
30. Jamaica (Alex Chapman)
31. Pugwash (Ray Kradle)
32. Missy Morgan (Lola Madrid)
33. OLD BILL (Jacob Bransky)
Bad Guys
34. Shylock – (Tyler Steyer) villain
35. Mrs. Leah Shylock (Elizabeth Paczok)
36. Tubal- (Zach Olson) Henchman to Shylock
37. Thug 1(Liam Dull)
38. Thugs: Gavin Forkash, Skyler Olson, Tyson Gilbertson, Kenny Spencer
Funny Guys
39. Dead Tom– (Dylan Ghormley) clown , servant to Shylock
40. Old Joe – (Tristan Peters) Dead Tom’s aged father
41. Parrot (Alison Anderson)
42. Crow (RaeAnn Georgeson)
43. Duchess of Tortuga –( Keionna Dullaven)
44. Judge 1 (Jessica Burke)
45. Judge 2 (Mona Weber)
46. Bailiff (Lisa Graf)
47. Jailer (Serenity Visgar)
48. Pirates: Preston Herfel, Jaydn O’Dell, Tayler Perry, Lyrica Marks, Jasmine File, Melissa Villarreal, Samantha Gilbertson, Taylor Jones, Michaela Fauast
58-68 10 Dancing Skeletons: Kylie Heisz, Faith Morga, Riley Chellevold, Sydney Williams, Karen Ott, Lilly Price, Rachel Peterson, Lydia Barr, Martha Bransky, Brennah Ghormley
And… everyone is townsfolk at 1. dock, at 2. Bonfire, at 3. masquerade, at 4. trial, at
5. Final Dance.